MOSQUITO Borne DISEASES - Really complete Information

10/25/2018 - Optimized for Firefox 62.0.3

COPYRIGHT 2010 thru 2018 - David R. Woodsmall

I am NOT a Doctor - Consult a Travel Doctor

Use this information at your own risk - it may be outdated or wrong

TWEET RID is the world's best insect repellent, in my personal opinion In my 30 days of Photo Safaries in Six African Countries, and in my wooded back yard, I, personally, found RID to be the best insect repellent for myself and my fellow travelers. NONE of my party of 5 got bitten by anything.. RID TROPICAL STRENGTH INSECT REPELLENT CONTAINS: 19.5% DEET plus two additional repellents, including a FLY repellent, Antiseptic to kill a wide range of bacteria, Vitamin E for moisturizing, Chamomile for its soothing relief, and Triclosan an anti-bacterial/inflammatory agent). I have NO connection to RID nor sellers of RID. REALLY Complete Insect Repellent & Insecticide Information - CLICK HERE

DISEASES - Mosquito Borne

Avian Malaria CHIKUNGUNYA - Very Painful - NO cure, NO vaccine Dengue Fever Eastern Equine Encephalitis (sleeping sickness) Filariasis Japanese Encephalitis MALARIA St. Louis Encephalitis West Nile Virus World MOSQUITO DAY Yellow Fever In July 2014, The World Health Organization decided ONE Yellow Fever Vaccination would last for an entire lifetime (instead of 10 years). ZIKA VIRUS - same mosquito carries, Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya


Aedes mosquitoes (vector of dengue fever) Culex Mosquitoes "Culex is a genus of mosquito, and is important in that several species serve as vectors of important diseases, such as West Nile virus, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis and avian malaria."


REALLY COMPLETE INSECT REPELLENTS and INSECTICIDE Information Analysis of Products, Ingredients, Warnings, Efficacy, Duration of Protection, Toxicity, etc....


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